Our Voice for Reconciliation Statement
‘Be a Voice for Generations’ was 2023’s theme for National Reconciliation Week and it is one we can all resonate with.
Every Australian deserves the opportunity to live in, and be part, of a safe and prosperous community where they feel heard and included, as well as have a say in what our future looks like. We all belong to families and no one family in Australia is the same. Our backgrounds, ethnicities, religious and spiritual inclinations vary and this diversity is what makes us strong.
National Reconciliation Week brings this future to life as all generations, all Australians come together to ‘learn about shared histories, cultures and achievements’ and importantly, to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Parents At Work and Family Friendly Workplaces endorse Reconciliation Australia for the ongoing work it does to unite our peoples. The ethos of inclusivity and unity is at the heart of all the work we do. We’re proud to serve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in workplaces, as well as provide best practice advice for leaders and managers on their Kindship Care policies. We promote cultural diversity, respect and inclusiveness in all our leadership programs and advocacy work.
Our organisation is committed to a united Australia which respects this land of ours; values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and provides justice and equity for all.
We acknowledge and support the Uluru Statement from the Heart. It is a gift and invitation to all Australians to unite together in reconciliation.
We say YES to reconciliation and a Voice to Parliament for First Nations people.
Together, as a unified nation, we can improve the lives of all families today, and of generations to come, for ‘a reconciled tomorrow’.
Take Action
Inform yourself on what this historic opportunity means for all Australia. Here is a fantastic resource that explains what the Voice to Parliament is, why a referendum is needed and where you can learn more.