Why GPT offers a $10,000 childcare allowance and ‘carer neutral’ paid parental leave
Justine Knight has experienced first-hand the loyalty an employee feels to an employer when they feel supported in their caring responsibilities outside of work. Now with two teenage children, Knight brings this experience into her long career in the diversity space, including now as the first person to take on a dedicated diversity and […]
Finally, we’re seeing big policy promises that will transform Australia
The last few weeks have seen once-in-a-generation policy promises announced that could significantly transform the future for families in Australia, as well as our overall economic prosperity with improved women’s workforce participation. These policy changes have come from state and federal governments, and cover early childhood education, paid parental leave and other areas encouraging […]
International Women’s Day; Family Friendly Workplaces driving gender equality and breaking the bias
The conflict between work and family life has long been lamented as a key challenge that has held back real progress when it comes to gender equality. The battle working families, particularly women, face to bridge the work and caring divide continues to be an emotional and financial burden. Many feel alone and isolated […]
Millions spent closing the gender pay gap has been more than worth it!
Lion spent millions of dollars closing its gender pay gap. Now it’s going one step further on promoting workplace gender equality: removing ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ carer labels to give parents more flexibility around the leave they take after having a child. Removing these labels is significant. They are labels that have been identified as […]
Parents are parents: How ING CEO Melanie Evans banished the ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ carer labels
Melanie Evans was 30 weeks pregnant when she joined ING in 2017 as the then Head of Retail Bank. But while getting to know her new team, she saw how different her upcoming experience of parental leave would be to one of her new male colleagues. Melanie would be taking leave as the […]